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About Style Finder

When opened, Style Finder presents your shoppers with the dress they originally found appealing next to similar items identified by Style Finder’s powerful computer vision approach. Different from other similarity products, your shopper now has the power to select the stylistic attributes most important to them, refining Style Finder’s recommendations to their personal taste in real-time. Shoppers can browse similar or different color garments and Style Finder ensures a more engaging experience that captures all products offered across your site.

Watch our video to see Style Finder in action.

How does it work?

Style Finder is a powerful visual search engine for apparel and footwear. Rather than relying on textual descriptions entered by humans for each product, our computer vision algorithms are trained on millions of images to construct the important stylistic features of each product. Once our computer vision approach understands the salient style attributes of the garment or footwear, it can then unlock powerful experiences for the shopper.

Our sophisticated artificial intelligence approach empowers shoppers to find items that look visually similar to ones they selected. The user is then able to select distinct stylistic attributes that they like, narrowing down their choices to find the perfect style. Style Finder keeps your shoppers engaged, reducing abandonment and increasing conversion.