How Cariuma Reduced Its Environmental Footprint with AI-Driven Fit Predictions

Faced with increasing return rates due to size and fit issues, Cariuma, a leading sustainable footwear brand, sought to tackle this challenge while upholding their commitment to environmental responsibility. Partnering with Secret Sauce Partners, they aimed to significantly reduce returns and the associated environmental impact.

See how our AI-driven Fit Predictor revolutionized Cariuma’s approach, leading to a 28% reduction in returns and a 6% increase in Average Order Value (AOV), all while enhancing customer satisfaction and supporting eco-friendly practices.

Read the case study now to discover the full story!

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Fit Predictor finds a customer’s best fit in seconds by leveraging and augmenting retailers’ data. For new customers without a shopping history, the Fit Predictor service predicts the best fit based on the customer’s size in other brands as well as other shopping behavior. Fit Predictor is currently being used by over 100 million unique shoppers per month across global markets. Learn More
